Friday, January 18, 2008

CNN asks readers to send memories of Holocaust denier today asked its readers to send their memories of chess master Bobby Fischer, who died earlier today.

CNN calls Fischer "controversial," for "his two-decade retreat from chess; and his trip to Yugoslavia in 1992, in defiance of U.S. sanctions, for a rematch with Spassky" and how he "spent his later life denouncing the U.S."

Yes. Controversial indeed. Quite the rebel. But no mention of this.

Former world chess champion Bobby Fischer was arrested in Japan on July 13, 2004, and may be deported to the United States, where an arrest warrant was issued because he violated U.S. sanctions imposed on Yugoslavia by playing a chess match there in 1992. According to media reports, Fischer may seek to stave off deportation to the U.S. by claiming German citizenship, because his father is German, but traveling to Germany could result in him being prosecuted for Holocaust-denial. Fischer’s personal web site declares: “The so-called ‘Holocaust’ of the Jews during World War II is a complete hoax! It never happened. The Jews are liars ... Japan beware you’re backing a loser. Don’t go down the drain with the filthy Jew-controlled U.S.”

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